Friday, November 7, 2008

Vending machines

While in UK and Slovenia vending machines with drinks and snacks are usually put inside buildings, I have only seen them on the streets in Japan. Many!! And people seem to use them a lot.

I should learn to take better photos. You can't really see they are outside and how interesting (different!) this is.

And cigarettes vending machine. We don't have these ones in Slovenia. Or UK? Not sure.

In Japan it is allowed to smoke in restaurants (which I'm not used to anymore). But interestingly, it is forbidden to smoke on campus. Not only inside buildings, but everywhere.


Ben said...

You get cigarette machines in pubs in the UK. Try the different coffees you get in the vending machines, they are all really nice (if you like coffee!) ... have you tried Pocari Sweat yet? MMmmmmm, real sweat!

Basically I half lived off vending machines. I was there in summer though so most of my consumption was fluids!

Ana said...

You're not used to smoke in restaurants anymore, ha, Tina? ;))

Ana said...

Js sm se skoraj zadušila na Kubi ... pomisli na kombinacijo dima slabih cigaret in orjaških cigar ;)

Tina said...

Saj v bistvu sem samo prvi dan opazila, potem pa nikoli noben vec ni kadil. Sem pa ugotovila, da je kajenje v Tokyu prepovedano tudi na cesti. Tako da lahko kadijo samo v kadilnici.