Thursday, November 6, 2008

Working hours & holidays

When I arrived I asked MSc students that picked me up at the airport about the working hours. They told me that the professor works 10am - 9pm every day. And that they try to follow the same. It sounded a lot, but I didn't really believe they stay so long. But it's true. If I ask the others, they even say 10am - 10pm or 9am - 9pm.

When I told them that I was planning to go traveling around Japan for 2 weeks they looked at me with big eyes. 2 weeks!!! A lot! I tried to explain that 2 weeks is not so much and that I will be able to see only a relatively small part of Japan. But later I realized what they meant. I talked to a PhD student from Korea and he said he only goes home for 1 week in the summer and for 1 week at the end of the academic year. This is all the holiday they have. And apparently for some even 1 week of holiday is a lot!


milton said...

Upam, da se ne boš tega nalezla.

Paul said...

I will make sure I ask about working hours before I agree to join any group!!!

Aidan said...

Remind me never to work in Japan! Visit yes, work no!!!