Monday, November 17, 2008

Adventure in Shibuya

Went on a date with a Japanese stranger that contacted me through the internet, ate Mexican tapas in an Italian restaurant full of latino-looking waiters shouting in Japanese, finally got tipsy with a sake and almost missed the last train back home.

And I'm still ok.


milton said...

You are geting misterious!

iva said...

Strange Japanese?? :)

Tina said...

Ivica, kaj si hotla s tem povedat?

milton said...

Še vedno ne vemo, kakšen adventure je bil to.

Ana said...

We want more! :)

Tina said...

To je vse. Kaj bi se radi vedeli? :)

Anonymous said...

what happened with your date? will you see him again? ;-)

Tina said...

No I won't see him again. :)

Me said...

Tina, you are going through a big transformation...when you go to your next date let us know so we ca check if you got home safe:)Hugs from London..pity you are not here.