Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Saturdays: When in Rome, do as the Romans do

The professor sends us weekly meeting plans by email. Last week I received the first one. Hm... interesting. A different type of group meeting every day. At first it seemed different than in our lab, but it really is just more formalized. And there was some kind of a meeting on Saturday. I found it fascinating.

Today I received another weekly plan, for next week. Wait. There is a meeting on Saturday as well. The alarm in my head started ringing and my heart started beating fast. Oh my God. I didn't show up last Saturday.

Should I ask? Or should I pretend to be a stupid foreigner who didn't get it that Saturday might be a normal working day?

I hope they only work Saturday mornings. When will I be able to go see Tokyo?

I decided to ask a senior researcher. Saturday is not a normal working day, it is considered as weekend. But they come in if they have work to do. For example, when they have a paper to write. Or these days they do, because the professor is writing a book and students are helping. Or if they have to check on an experiment. And now they have these Saturday meetings because they are currently discussing future directions in the lab. Or maybe I will have to come if I have a lot of work to finish before I leave Japan. I asked if anyone was in last Saturday. Yes, pretty much everyone.

After my endless questions and fascination about their working hours, I am now officially the laziest person in the lab! Despite working 10-9 every day. What a terrible feeling.

p.s. Michael please don't comment, because I know what you're going to say.


Ben said...

And it is hard to get our group meeting just once a week! I think that you should probably continue to be lazy, after all they are not paying you are they...? You should continue to work your normal hours - hopefully they will realise that you're having all the fun, and join you :)

Could you email me one of your professor's plans?

Anonymous said...

I think you should just be lazy and boldly proud of it!;)

Me said...

Tina, I think they need to go out more often. Send them an invite for a Saturday night meeting:) Hugs