Tokyo 5am. Arrival of the catch to one of the biggest fish markets in the world, Tokyo Tsukiji fish market. The wholesale auction begins. Huge tunas waiting to be sold and sent all around Tokyo to turn up on sashimi platters.
7.00am. Wandering around the market, my eyes cannot get enough. And I even taste a free sample of a raw whale!
7.30am. I queue for 1 hour in the cold in front of to one of the market's sushi shops for the best, the freshest and the most expensive sushi of my lifetime.
9.00am. Chef's choice of 10 sushi pieces + a huge oyster was an excellent choice. I'm full and it feels like in heaven. Time to go to work.
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Nekaj nenavadne ure se mi zdijo, Torej imaš zelo zgodnje potepanje po mestu.
Zelo lepi posnetki. Takega ribjega trga še nisem videla...
Joj, kolikšne ribe. Saj je glava večja kot od tistega Japonca zraven. Verjetno te ribe prodajajo po koščkih, saj drugače bi jo imeli za cel mesec za jest. Aja, saj morda imajo tudi Japonci zmrzovalne skrinje.
!!!! big scary fish! they look evil
poor whale :(
Nekje na spletu sem prebral, (od fotografof) da so na Tsukiji fish market nemogoči pogoji za fotografiranje, da je gneča, malo svetlobe, slaba svetloba.... Dobro ti je uspelo.
Mami: ce sem hotla videt, sem mogla tako zgodaj vstat!!
Breda: haha, bi morali imeti pa res velike zmrzovalne skrinje, ce bi to ribo kupili. To je sele prva stopnja od kar nekaj stopenj, preden lahko ribo das v hladilnik. Tu je riba direkt z oceanske ladje. Prodajo jo na drazbi in "podjetje" ki jo kupi, jo prepelje (ponavadi rabijo najmanj 3 ljudi, da jo dvignejo na vozicek) na drugi del marketa, kjer jo razrezejo in naprej prodajajo restavracijam in trgovinam. Sele od tam jo potem lahko verjetno kupijo navadni ljudje.
Tom: because I ate it?
Oci: Prav imajo. Fotografiranje s flesem je prepovedano, prav tako je prepovedan vstop na obmocje drazbe. Pa temno je. In kar naprej moras se je treba umikat nekim avtomobilckom na motor, da te ne povozijo. In vsake toliko mimo tebe sibajo neke okrvavljene deske, katerim je boljse, da se umaknes. Tko da je tezko, tudi jaz sem zadovoljna s slikami.
whales are too nice to kill them just to eat! :(
the tuna look like they would eat you if they had a chance so that's ok, it's us or them!
What were you doing at 5AM at the fish market?? I assume you were going back home after a long night in the city:)
Gabi: I had the same question, but got no answer.
Hehe, you all think I turned into a super-woman (working 10-9 on consecutive days without sleeping) that likes partying till the early morning?
I'll have to disappoint you - I simply went at 5am because that's the only time you can see an auction at one of the biggest and most famous fish markets in the world. :) But it's true I didn't have much sleep that night.
Milton - where did you write your question?
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