Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sake - rice wine

Served from a big bottle (apparently 1.8l) to a cup on a little plate. They fill in the cup completely, so that sake goes over and fills in the plate as well. You drink it by putting your mouth to the cup and sip until you make enough space to lift the cup without spilling. And then you can either sip the sake from the plate or put it into the cup. Uh, that was hard to explain. And I was told it wasn't that strong. But it is! Didn't like it too much.


milton said...

Je res, da se sake pije svež, star kvečjemu eno leto ali dve? Da se ne stara tako, kot vino?

Tina said...

Nimam pojma, bom vprasala. Sem pa prebrala, da se vecinoma pije vroc. Samo izjemoma mrzel. In moj je bil pa ravno mrzel. Upam, da bo se kaksna priloznost probat.

Ben said...

Do you drink the sake that went in the little plate too? Or pour it into the cup?

Tina said...

Ben, you can do either of these!