Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Love hotels

Yesterday I went to a love hotel hill, an area with lots of hotels with all types of rooms, whatever you wish.

You can go for "a rest" or for the whole night. Apparently this is something completely normal and couples use it a lot. And has no bad or dirty connotation. I can't help it, for me it still is a bit strange, but when I asked about it today in the lab, they were surprised: "Don't you have them in the UK or Slovenia?"


Breda Sikkens said...

Luknja v trziscu...v Evropi...

milton said...

Belorepec bi se lahko malo zamislil nad Bredinim komentarjem. Lahko bi postavil celo verigo po Notranjski, Sloveniji, pa vsaj še na Poljsko bi se lahko razširil.

Anonymous said...

Actually we have things like this in Ljubljana as well, only not so public ... Like renting a room for 2h.