Thursday, December 4, 2008

Who is at work?

In front of the lab there is a sign-in board with little magnets, so that it's clear all the time where everyone is.

The first column is for "in". The second column is for "in, but away" - for example when you go for lunch of to a shop for a longer period. The third column is "out".

The different colours indicate how important the hierarchy is in Japan.

p.s. Everyone else's name is written by their surname, except mine , it's quite funny. They never call each other by first names.


milton said...

I imagined your name was written in japanese way.

Tom said...

why did you blur out their names?! is it a secret lab?

having different colours for how 'important' you are is ridiculous!

marjetatursic said...

Tale tabla je pa res fajn. Točno veš kje je kdo. Super

Tina said...

There are no secrets at all. It's just better to put less than more personal details on the internet these days. If anyone wants a non blurred photo, I'm happy to send it by email.

julijana said...

zelo mi je všeč, kako pišeš,uživam ob branju in spoznavanju novosti.
Lepo se imej